Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Health

Adults can't eat candy like kids can. That's just the way it is! Kids can consume candy bar after candy bar, while we eat one Milky Way and start to feel the side effects.

What can we do, as adults, to enjoy Halloween without going crazy? (because I liked this one too...)

Here are some tips to stay on track for Halloween:

1. Watch your drinking. Halloween translates to "party" in my generation, which means lots of opportunities to drink your calories. Even if you demonstrate self-restraint in the candy bowl, drinking 3 beers at a party can do just as much damage to your diet. What's worse, submitting your body to alcohol stops the fat-burning process in your body. Your liver can only do one thing at a time, and if it is processing the alcohol you just consumed, it cannot burn fat. Therefore, your physical goals are put on hold twofold. (hey, that rhymed!)

2. Eat chocolate! Yes, I said it. You can eat sweet treats without going insane. Portion control is key: go for one small "snack sized" bar over a full-size bar. Go for "healthier" candy options, too (check out this article from Reader's Digest that informs you of the 6 worst Halloween candies on the market).

3. Eat fruit before candy. If you want a candy apple, just eat the apple first. Go into your house and eat fruit before you eat the candy. This will curb your sweet tooth and fill you up (with the fiber from an apple, for example) before going crazy on the candy.

4. Make your own sweet treats! If you want to eat something on Halloween that's delicious, make your own candy! Most of the candies on the market today have so many preservatives and saturated fats. You can avoid it by making your own things on which to munch while giving out candy on your porch. For example, check out this chocolate-covered banana pieces recipe from my Gluten Free Advocate blog. 

Keep Halloween healthy in your book this year, and have a great night! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Embracing a Fitness Funk

My sister has always been my fitness idol. She got in shape while we were in high school and hasn't stopped ever since. As I started my fitness journey, she taught me that there will be days where, for whatever reason, I will experience what I call a "fitness funk". The music just isn't pumping you up, you are feeling a little too hungry (or ate a little too much pre-workout), whatever. These days will happen.

I actually had one today.

I was working all morning on graduate school homework when I realized how little I had eaten all morning (and, also, how starving I was)! I heated up some brown rice, black beans, and garbanzo beans in a bowl with some Parmesan cheese. Yum. :]

Shortly after, however, I tried to fit in the only 30 minutes I had available for a workout. I popped in my Focus T25 DVD, took an Ibuprofen for my headache, and began to work out.
I don't know if it was the food or the headache, but I just couldn't push through the intense cardio moves like I typically do. I texted her and this is what she said:




It's true!
The same thing will most likely happen to you, and it's important to forgive yourself when it does. And so, with that in mind, I am going to make some green tea for myself and get ready for the rest of the day.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mama's Got a Pair of New Shoes! ...Athletic shoes, that is.

If you are an athlete in any form (novice, intermediate, etc.) and feel a bit clueless about athletic shoes like I do, read these FAQ's that I (and other people on my fitness team) have asked in the past. It's worth the read!

How often do you buy new athletic shoes? 
It's a question that I've been learning more about as I exercise on a very regular basis. As I have learned, you should not give your running shoes a birthday. (This also goes for people who do high-impact exercise as well!) I recently found out that I blew through my first pair of serious running shoes in SEVEN MONTHS! This blew my mind.

I'm not a runner. Should I buy running shoes?
Not necessarily! If you are strictly a cross-trainer (ie. kickboxing, high-impact, interval training), running shoes may not be the best bet for you. Running shoes and cross-training shoes offer different levels of support for your feet and body as a whole. It is in your best interest to go to a runner's specialty store and see if you need running or cross-training shoes. 

Can you wear down athletic/running/cross-training shoes without running?
Surprisingly, yes! If you worked as, say, a waitress and are on your feet all day, you are putting pressure on the cushion of your shoes. Standing in athletic shoes for one hour puts the equivalent of one mile of wear on the shoes. Even more so, other forms of cardiovascular exercise (like kickboxing, Zumba, P90X, Insanity, etc.) puts pressure on the cushion of your shoes, thus wearing them down. 

What happens if you work out a lot and DON'T buy new shoes?
Wearing athletic shoes that are too old mean that the cushions of the shoes are too compressed to provide adequate support. Some runners notice certain pain surfacing when it's time to buy new shoes. (I think that my time is here to buy new shoes- I am noticing inner knee pain on one leg.) Not giving your body the support it needs while doing strenuous exercise can result in short- and long-term physical pain and injury. Don't be cheap with your joints! If you exercise almost daily, INVEST in the right shoes and BE WISE ENOUGH to know when to buy new ones!

I don't think I could ever work out. Who can I turn to for help?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Food Mapping

As of October 2013, I have found meal planning to be virtually impossible. How do you say "no" when your 16-year old brother goes out to dinner to celebrate his academic victory, and they invite you? Should you really respond, "thanks, but I already had my healthy meal planned for tonight!"
I say no to that because family time is too precious.

From what I have discovered, though, is that through food mapping, you can start to see where the most difficult meals lie for you and how to fix them with future planning. I find it less intimidating than scheduling every single meal for the week.

Here is a typical week for me (which fluctuates, depending upon my academic schedule):

Monday: Cook 1 cup lentils in morning (while doing classwork);
Oatmeal for breakfast, banana post-workout;
Leftovers for lunch (at home);
Shakeology en route to hour-long grad school commute
night class 5-9pm: lentils (cooked earlier in day), applesauce, Greek yogurt, cheese, rice cakes

Tuesday: Day off!
Oatmeal for breakfast, banana pre-workout;
Shakeology post-workout;
Lunch leftovers as discovered;
Dinner with the fiancé

Oatmeal for breakfast, banana post-workout;
Eggs and veggies for lunch (at home);
Shakeology en route to hour-long grad school commute
dinner with my grad student friends!

Oatmeal for breakfast, Shakeology post-workout;
Lentils and veggies for lunch and dinner (at work)

Eggs for breakfast, Shakeology post-workout;
Last bit of lentils + chickpeas + veggies for lunch;
Dinner plans with the fiancé

Banana for breakfast, Shakeology post-workout;
Chickpeas + veggies for lunch;
fruit as snack mid-day;
Dinner plans with the fiancé

Sunday: (rest day, no workout)
Oatmeal for breakfast, 6 am;
Banana AND Shakeology, mid-morning snacks (10:30 and noon)
(this is where it gets tricky) late lunch (2-3 pm)
Family dinner

When you write down what (and how) you typically eat in a day, it says a lot about you. You see what is the most difficult to plan and stay healthy with, which, in my case, is definitely dinner. I struggle constantly with getting enough food at dinner and end up snacking later. By food mapping, you can see where your weakness lie and work on strengthening them.

What will you do to keep yourself healthy and on track?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Story's YouTube Official!

Ever wonder what results I have earned through Focus T25, P90X and working hard for a year? See my results in less than 2 minutes here:

My Results with Focus T25 and One Year of Health!

Ever think, "I could never do what she did. I'm not athletic like her."? Yeah. I did too. I ALWAYS told myself I would never be in shape...until I decided to change that.

Watch the video. 
Follow my journey on Facebook.
Kick your goals in the pants and get happy! :) I'm here for you!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

One Year.

October 1, 2012

On October 1, 2012, I was a 20something woman who always, always, always joked about how out of shape she was. People told me that I should play basketball (because of her height), but I always joked and said that I would be no good due to the fact that I was afraid of the ball!
On October 1, 2012, I was a gluten-free eater. I ate a lot of GF pastas, like a lot of people, and made lots of Lean Cuisine chicken meals (yes, there was one Lean Cuisine that was gluten-free!). I constantly ran to the grocery store and bought my daily meal, not thinking about much more than that.
On October 1, 2012, I had been drinking Shakeology for a month. I was feeling incredible and wondered how far I could run with this feeling, both literally and figuratively.
On October 1, 2012, I decided to stop living as the sum of my excuses. I decided that I was sick of being out of shape. I made a goal to run just one mile by December 25, 2012. On November 1, 2012... I ran two.  On December 23, 2012...I ran three.
On October 1, 2012, I changed my life in countless ways. Within a week of beginning my exercise journey, I had a personal revelation: I was ready to return to graduate school. I found energy and passion and a direction that I had been longing for, and so I began to apply for a graduate degree that I always felt was best for me (but was afraid to reach for it).
On October 1, 2012, I began to consider making a gluten-free blog. "There are countless blogs out there," I thought, "why would anyone read mine?"

October 1, 2013
On October 1, 2013, I have finished a 10k race.
On October 1, 2013, I am a graduate student in a fabulous program, making fabulous friends.
On October 1, 2013, I have lost 8 inches off of my waist, hips, and thighs. I haven't lost much weight but have gained incredible muscle that I am so proud of.
On October 1, 2013, I am in the process of getting my teeth and jaw fixed through braces and upcoming oral surgery. (This was something I have NEVER had the courage to do.) 
On October 1, 2013, I am engaged and planning a wedding to my best friend.
On October 1, 2013, I am a Beachbody Coach. My fiancé and I are both coaches and help many people lead healthier, happier lives. As a result, he and I have bigger dreams to create and build and live than I ever thought possible. Honest.
In the span of one year, fitness, health, and overall wellness has transformed my life into something I NEVER dreamed for myself. While you may doubt that all of these things are connected to making a goal of running one mile, they are. I have learned over the course of just one year that we are the sum of daily, repeated, seemingly small actions. Those actions are adding value to others as well as eating one extra serving of vegetables. Even my braces are a result of this compound effect.

What can being truly healthy do for you?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Can Fitting in Fitness be Fun?

When people say "I'm really busy", I struggle with finding too much sympathy for the other person. I currently work five part-time jobs while commuting over an hour away for graduate school classes and still fit in time to work out and be a fitness coach. Is it time-consuming? Absolutely. Does it make me insanely busy and obsessive about keeping my day planner next to me at all times? Why yes, it does.

Is it fun?


I have found that when I make my health a priority, a lot of other things fall into line. For example, I worked out with my sister last Saturday morning. We wanted to do Focus T25 together. We figured out that, instead of killing 30 minutes watching television on a Saturday morning, we worked really hard and had an incredible amount of energy for our day! I showered and immediately went straight to work. Was I busy on Saturday? Yes. Did I work out? Yes. Did it make me feel better? Yes!!

How could fitting in fitness be fun, you ask?
1. Find your fitness soulmate. If you don't like running, don't run! If you don't like to lift weights so much, then don't lift weights. If you like to feel like you're dancing the whole time, then dance the weight off! Do whatever you will want to do almost every single day, and don't settle for anything less.

2. Find a way to commit. Do you like to work out with another person? Then make sure you have that person know your goals for accountability and support. Do you like to jump around in your living room alone? Then make sure you set a calendar alert on your cell phone and stick to it. Does your fitness program come with a schedule for a variety of workouts? Stick to that calendar 100%.

3. Don't quit on yourself. Just because you're out of shape doesn't mean it will always be this difficult. The hardest thing to do is to establish new habits that counteract habits you have subconsciously maintained for years. You must push play on that DVD player every single day and do not quit on the process!

4. Celebrate the victory! REAL healthy habits equal REAL RESULTS! This isn't rocket science! I'm not trying to sell you some get-skinny-quick program. This is a lifestyle change that will continue to reward you! Imagine not being concerned about how you will fit into your winter clothes. Imagine knowing already that your bathing suit will fit just as it did last year. Could you put a price tag on that feeling? Investing in a fitness program that works for 100% of you is like investing in your future. It really is. You are investing in your health, which will mean a healthier, happier, longer life with the people you love. Can you put a price tag on that?

5. Do it today. You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Just go run around the block. Buy that fitness program that you saw on a Sunday morning infomercial. Just start for yourself.

And on that note, I must go press play and jump around in my living room. :) Go out there and make this fun!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 28 of P90X: Recovering From Injury

Last week I somehow pulled my shoulder while doing P90X's "Chest and Back" routine. My shoulder was extremely sensitive and I was very concerned about hurting it more, so I took a few days off of working out. It was actually really difficult not to work out because I've grown to appreciate the time spent on myself daily as well as the endorphins that keep me smiling through all of the stresses of work!

The one thing I had to force myself to learn throughout this weekend of healing is to respect my pain and respect my injury, despite the fact that I wanted to continue to work out and ignore the pain. Halting my progress in my workouts was just as hard as halting my workouts when I become sick. But I had to remind myself that if I were to work out, I risk hurting my shoulder even more!

Here is the video I made from the weekend about this exact topic:

YouTube: Amanda Plazek's Channel

Have a great post-Memorial Day week, everyone!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Growth and Progress: May 10, Day 10

I am 10 days into my 90-day challenge of P90X! It makes me so proud to say that....

Today I pushed myself through arms and shoulder/back exercises as well as Ab Ripper X, that lovely 16-minute workout that I struggle with most. I like working on my arms the most because I see results- my puny little arms are no more! They reflect the strength I am developing and show the world my efforts. (Or at least I think they do.)

I will admit to you, I was frustrated at myself that I didn't finish Ab Ripper X. Yes, I'm confessing to it! I was spent. But I did succeed at finishing a leg-raise exercise in Ab Ripper X for all 25 reps, which I haven't been able to do before! So, do I consider the exercise a success because of my new accomplishment, or do I consider it a failure because I couldn't finish the remainder of the workout?

It was then that I realized how much progress I have been making. I think people get frustrated at not getting exponential results immediately that they give up entirely. Yes, I gave up on Ab Ripper X today. But I am doing P90X!!! One year ago I couldn't even fathom trying P90X, and here I am, giving up 7 minutes before Ab Ripper X was finished. I was spent after pushing myself, so I stopped. SO WHAT? I was spent after pushing myself. I stopped because I had pushed myself to my limit.

It was a new limit for me. I couldn't even have finished my arms and shoulder exercises six months ago. I almost threw away the gift of progress today until I became my own cheering section. I needed it to realize my growth. Everyone needs to pat themselves on the back along the way of their fitness journey.

You can watch my initial reactions on my YouTube channel video for the day:

My YouTube Channel: May 10, Day 10

Have a wonderful weekend! Kick it into high gear! :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8, Day 8: Week 2 Begins!

Today was the beginning of week 2 already! I am encouraged by the fact that I already finished one week of P90X! I feel so much momentum from the fact alone that I am on week 2, despite the fact that today was quite challenging. But, then again, shouldn't it be? It is P90X, after all.

Today's workouts were the Chest and Back as well as the Ab Ripper X. I am proud of myself for using my newly-purchased pushup handlebars, thus minimizing stress on my wrists! Ab Ripper X was still difficult and I needed to take breaks, but I pushed through even when I didn't want to.

You can also check out my daily video blog here: Amanda Plazek's YouTube Channel

Monday, May 6, 2013

(From Yesterday) Day 5: This One's For My Team!

Yesterday I had a busy day at work but wanted to keep it up for my challenge group team, a group of people who all have similar goals in health and fitness. Do you have an accountability partner? Your odds at pushing through and succeeding are much higher if you do!

You can check my video out on my YouTube channel here: May 5, Day 5: Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X

Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 3: Shoulders, Arms and Lean Protein

Today is day three of my P90X challenge! I did the arms and shoulders routine as well as ab ripper X. Again, I am surprised at how well I do some of the routines...I was expecting to struggle more than I  am. So I am heading to the store tonight to buy 10-lb hand weights (an upgrade from the 8 lbs that I currently use)!

Ab ripper X is still a definite struggle. Why wouldn't it be? I am only on day 3...but I did more than I could on day one, and with that I am pleased.

I am trying very hard to adhere to very clean habits of eating, which is hard on days like yesterday when I had work until 9pm last night and was starving when I was done... But I am doing the best that I can and reducing my late-night snacking (which is definitely my weakness).

Today I am out in the city, in between events, and need to eat out. I am trying to eat an increased a amount of protein (which is recommended in the P90X nutrition guide) and so I am getting a steak salad with romaine lettuce. No French fries for this Pittsburgh Steak Salad! I could just get an order of spinach and artichoke dip but alas, I am going for protein+vegetables. :)

Tonight is grilled chicken for dinner- more healthy protein for me!
How are you starting this weekend off healthy?
Have a great Friday!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 2: Plyometrics

Today was day 2 of my P90X challenge as well as the first time I tried the Plyometrics workout. I was a little intimidated as Tony Horton described it as "the mother of all P90X workouts", and so I began the 60-minute workout warily. However, I did the entire 60 minutes without quitting!! As a matter of fact, I was surprised at how well I did. I was expecting to struggle a lot (I had heard stories of people having to pause so many times, especially at the beginning of the 90 days), but I only had to hit pause briefly for 30 seconds, twice. I was very pleased (more like psyched!) and went about my day normally.

In retrospect, I am so inspired by the fact that I could finish today's workout. Six months ago, I couldn't have even considered trying to do P90X. I've never been in shape, and here I am, keeping up with Tony Horton. I want so many people to realize their potential like I did. Being in shape is a definite possibility for everyone. I want you to reach your goals on your fitness journey! We can do this together.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1, Day 1: My P90X journey begins!

I am writing this entry to you after doing my first day of P90X! I decided to go with the classic program, which meant that day one targeted my chest and back as well as "Ab Ripper X". The Chest and Back workout intimidated me at first, but I liked the pacing and the variety! I made sure that I didn't go too gung-ho at the beginning, and by the end of the hour-long workout, I was surprised at how many pushups I had done! I do not have a pull-up bar at the house right now, so I used an old door hinge to secure my resistance band. Was it the best idea? No, I don't recommend it. Did I get hurt? No, but I still don't recommend it!

Ab Ripper X was much more challenging than I anticipated. I'm glad that I got through it, but I didn't finish every move. I can't wait until Ab Ripper X becomes less difficult- I will know that the process is working!

You can see my initial thoughts on my YouTube channel here:

Piyometrics come tomorrow...wish me luck for Day 2!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30th: the Challenge starts tomorrow!

Sunshine on the lake!
After a very hectic weekend, I am happy to report that I ran a lovely 3.5 miles today in our local park. The sun was shining, the sky was so clear, and it was truly such a beautiful day to run. I tried to keep a nice pace and not push too hard because I don't want to be in bad shape for tomorrow (which is day 1 of P90X!).

I am intimidated, to be honest, but I know that if I could commit to my other fitness goals, I can commit to this. I am going to allay my fears by looking through everything tonight so it does not just look like a scary box filled with challenges!

Have a great day- talk to you on the other side of the challenge!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Who, What, Why

This is my very first post on my new fitness blog! I am very excited to share my story and my journey as we go along.

Who I Am, What I Do, Why I Do it
I am a twentysomething who was absolutely never in shape in my life..until I started my wellness journey last summer. I began to eat much healthier than I used to. I then decided on October 1 to begin my journey towards being in shape. I wanted to set a goal for myself which seemed difficult but attainable: I want to be able to run one mile by Christmas 2012. I started off on my goal slowly (I remember calling my brother, bragging about how I had run .7 miles!). Exactly one month after I started, I ran that first mile. And then I kept running for another mile. Within one month, I doubled the goal I had set for myself. I was shocked- how in the world did I do this??? I was never a runner.
With renewed inspiration, I set a new goal for myself: I want to be able to run 5km by Christmas. This, again, seemed like an impossible goal....and then, on December 22, I ran 3.2 miles without stopping. 

2013 arrived with renewed motivation for my fitness goals, and so I became a Beachbody Coach. I cannot express to you how much I want to help people. If I can reach my fitness goals, you can too! I know, without a doubt, that I reached my goals (and will continue to do so) because of my support system. I had people rooting for me and supporting me, sharing stories and setbacks just like mine. They made me feel human and accept the times in which I did not live up to the goals I set, while still pushing me towards that finish line I set for myself. One of the best feelings in the world, to me, is finishing a goal you absolutely never thought you could accomplish. It's so encouraging. 

Which is why I am starting P90X on May 1. Before my fitness journey began, I ABSOLUTELY NEVER would have considered doing P90X. But I also absolutely never would have considered running over 3 miles (which is now four, by the way!). I'm sick of saying "I am not the type of person who would do this. It's just not me." Why not make it something you do and throw away those stereotypes? 

It's less than one week until I start P90X. Will you join me on May 1 and become the change?