Monday, October 21, 2013

Embracing a Fitness Funk

My sister has always been my fitness idol. She got in shape while we were in high school and hasn't stopped ever since. As I started my fitness journey, she taught me that there will be days where, for whatever reason, I will experience what I call a "fitness funk". The music just isn't pumping you up, you are feeling a little too hungry (or ate a little too much pre-workout), whatever. These days will happen.

I actually had one today.

I was working all morning on graduate school homework when I realized how little I had eaten all morning (and, also, how starving I was)! I heated up some brown rice, black beans, and garbanzo beans in a bowl with some Parmesan cheese. Yum. :]

Shortly after, however, I tried to fit in the only 30 minutes I had available for a workout. I popped in my Focus T25 DVD, took an Ibuprofen for my headache, and began to work out.
I don't know if it was the food or the headache, but I just couldn't push through the intense cardio moves like I typically do. I texted her and this is what she said:




It's true!
The same thing will most likely happen to you, and it's important to forgive yourself when it does. And so, with that in mind, I am going to make some green tea for myself and get ready for the rest of the day.

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